Our mission at  LUCASTRONG.com  may save the life of someone you love  

The LUCASTRONG.com website was created in memory of Gian-Luc Jordan. In his honor, and the many before him, we have made it our mission to educate parents, children and any other person who has contact with children on the dangers of the "Choking Game". This includes encouraging schools to incorporate our training into their curriculum.  Education is the key to stopping this very addictive and risky behavior with our youth.


Gian-Luc was a loving son, brother and friend to many people. He touched so many lives during his 12 years that we have an obligation to celebrate his life by providing engaging presentations, factual materials and to encourage our youth to make positive choices when it comes to their bodies.


To help us with our mission, please take the time to browse our pages, view the photo galleries and leave your feedback. If you are a victim's friend or family, you are always welcome to share your story.